Gustav Stickley inspired Medium Size Slant Arm Reclining Morris Chair

Gustav Stickley inspired slant-arm Morris chair featuring 5 slats to the floor, steam-bent back, multiple pinned through-tenons on the legs and the finest hand-selected quarter-sawed white oak. The top of the legs pierce through the top of the arms and are pinned with an oak dowel. The chair is shown in the second of four positions. Gustav Stickley's slant arm Morris chair is one of the most sought after chairs by collectors today, just as it was one of his most popular Morris chairs 100 years ago. While very appealing visually with it's architectural elements, the slant in the arms is ergonomically very comfortable as it allows the users arms and shoulders to rest in a lower and more relaxed position. While this chair is accurate in design elements, it is slightly smaller than our more accurate replica of the larger original Gustav Stickley chair, model #310. Available in various stain colors and fine Arts & Crafts fabric or leather.

Product ID: #314
Price:$Price upon request.

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Image of the same form but with the addition of padded leather on the arms. Please see model #L-314 for various detailed images.

Image of the same form but with the addition of padded leather on the arms. Please see model #L-314 for various detailed images.

Excellent quarter-sawed white oak grain.

Excellent quarter-sawed white oak grain.

Detail pinned through-tenon on arm.

Detail pinned through-tenon on arm.

Detail pinned through-tenons on front leg.

Detail pinned through-tenons on front leg.

Excellent quarter-sawed white oak grain.

Excellent quarter-sawed white oak grain.